Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Well there is a first time for everything and this is a definite first for me. I've been listed as a blogger since 2007, but haven't done anything with it until now. Better late than never I guess!

Ok, so a little background on me. That's me in the profile picture (obviously) and that handsome little man next to me is my son Addison. This picture was taken at Buffalo Wild Wings in Omaha after one of Addison's music concerts. Addison is a 6th Grader next year, and in Omaha that means he's going off to Middle School! EEK, totally not ready for that and yes I cried like a baby at his 5th grade graduation. Can't even imagine what I am going to be like at his high school graduation. :/

He is such a Ham! Love his personality!!

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